Message In A Bottle

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The Lions Club of Wimborne & Ferndown

Co-ordinator of the ‘Message in a Bottle’ EMERGENCY INFORMATION SCHEME in the East Dorset District Council Conurbation.

For use by anyone who feels vulnerable while living at home.


Complete the details on the yellow form.

If there is more than one person living in the same house then please ask your supplier for another form.

It would be a good idea to store any repeat prescriptions inside the Bottle as well.

Put the form(s) and any repeat prescriptions in the Bottle and put it inside the door of your Fridge.

Place one Green sticker on the Fridge and the other on the inside of the front door or main entrance.

All Emergency services are aware of the scheme and will locate the bottle and pass it on to a doctor or hospital personnel in an emergency.

Where can I get a Bottle?

You can obtain a FREE Bottle from GP Practices,Chemists, Neighbourhood and Home Watch Coordinators
and other places.

The Message In A Bottle scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage people living on their own, the elderly and others to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location - the Fridge.

The Emergency Services will know to look for it, in the event of being called to your home. They will be alerted by use of the two special Green Emergency /Green Cross stickers. One is placed on the inside of your front door and the other is stuck on the Fridge.

For more information on ‘Message in a Bottle’, or our Lions Club, please contact:

Lion Godwin Micallef  

Tel: 01202-870891 or email Godwin


Lion Frank Fortey

Tel: 01202-886022 or email Frank