Wimborne & Ferndown Lions WE CARE about every Penny Family Charity Cycle Ride Holidays for the disabled How we spend Funds Raised Message In a Bottle Opportunities  for Youth Spectacles  & Hearing Aids Recycling A Lions Year 2014-2015 Dementia Friendly Communities Defibrillators Contact us Favorite Links

 Samples of how we spend Funds Raised

Supporting our Community


 2015 Community Service Donations
Donation to the Blandford Opportunities Group who support Children with Special needs 200
Donation to the Water Aid appeal 200
Single Bed & Washing machine for a Single parent 'in need' 300
Material for a Sewing Group to make 'Heart Pillows' for post op  Mastectomy patuents 30
Donation to UNICEF Winterisation: Refugees in Europe - Winter Blankets for children 500
Donation to UNICEF Child Friendly Spaces: Refugees in Europe - Winter Tents for children 500
Carpet for a young Child's bedroom in Verwood 100
Donation towards Coach Costs for Oaktree Park residents to visit a Christmas Market 200
OCTOBER 2015 £
Annual donation to Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
Annual donation to St. Mary's Church, Ferndown 800
Purchase of 2 Batteries and a Service, for a Mobility Scooter 205
AUGUST 2015 £
Purchase of a Defibrillator to be sited in West Moors 1,925
Donation to the Blind Veterans appeal 500
JULY 2015 £
Purchase of a paper Shredder for the 'Bus stop Club' in Ferndown.
JUNE 2015 £
Purchase of Food and kitchen equipment for the 'Bus Stop Club' in Ferndown
Providing Display Banners for both the Wimborne and the West Moors Dementia Committees 562
MAY 2015 £
Donation towards local Lions Clubs purchasing an Ice machine  for Poole Hospital. 50
Donation towards a special wheelchair for a disabled lady Rugby player. 500
Payment of Removal Van costs for an elderly lady going into Sheltered accommodation. 200
Donation towards the Lions UK & Ireland Disaster Fund re Water Purifiers for the Nepal Earthquake appeal. 500
Donation towards the Lions Clubs International Nepal Earthquake appeal. 750
Taking Vulnerable Adults and Youths to our Annual Paultons Park day 1,375
Providing Display Banners for the Verwood & Three Legged Cross Dementia Committee 280
APRIL 2015 £
Donation towards Lions sponsored sports event for people with Disabilities. 250
Donation towards the Wimborne Girls Brigade Annual Camp. 300
Providing a 'day out' for a single parent with young children. 100
Donation towards the cost of a purchasing a Defibrillator to be sited in Ferndown. 1,020
Providing a MedicAlert Bracelet for a Young lady. 55
MARCH 2015 £
Donation towards the cost of a Defibrillator at the Ferndown British Legion. 200
Providing display Banners for the Wimborne and the West Moors Dementia Groups 523
Donation to Marie Curie, following the Annual collection event. 249
Contribution towards a special Trike for a handicapped youngster. 200
FEBRUARY 2015  £
Donation towards Lions Clubs International "Sewing Machines for Widows in India" appeal.  250
Donation towards the Ferndown Golden Ferns Club Annual outing.  157
 2014 Community Service Donations
 DECEMBER 2014  £
Cost of roviding Caravan Holidays, for 'people in need' during 2014, 2,620
Providing 96 Xmas Parcels to nominated Elderly persons and Families 1,946
Purchase of Message In A Bottles - see web page.  728
Contributing part cost of a replacement Boiler, for an Elderly person.  675
Providing Wood chippings for the outdoor area of "Riding for the Disabled".  150
 Providing display Banners for the Verwood & Three Legged Cross Dementia Group  261
 OCTOBER 2014  £
 Purchase of equipment for the Heatherlands Parents and Todlers Group  100
 Coach outing for the Oak Tree Park Welfare Group  200
 Equipment for St. Catherine's Kindergarten at Colehill  175
 Annual donation to East Dorset Citizens Advice Bureau  1,500
 Annual donation to the Ferndown St. Mary's Church Care Group  800
Donation to Sturts Farm  120
 JULY 2014 £
Purchase of a Fridge/Freezer and Mattress for a single parent with 2 children  200
 Funding Activities during School holiday for Children of 2 needy families.  100
 JUNE 2014 £
Taking Vulnerable Youths and Adults to our Annual Paultons Park Day.  1,850
Taking out Vulnerable Youths to our annual Zone Fun Day in Wareham.  392
 May 2014  £
 Golden Ferns outing - Transport costs  190
 Childern's Play equipment for Heatherlands Soft Play Group  250
 Replacement 'Hearing Loop' for the Barrington Community Centre 822
 Purchase of Uniforms and help towards the Summer Camp for 1st Wimborne Guides  300
 Donation towards Telephone/Broadband costs fo Turbary Court elderly Persons Residence  300
April 2014  £
 Donation to Streetwise  200
 Donation to Julia's House Childrens Hospice  818
 March 2014  £
 Purchase of underlay, and fitting of donated carpet, for bedroom of 2 1/2 year old girl.  40
 Purchase of 10 Horse Riding lessons for someone with disability.  150
 February 2014
 Shared Purchase, with 2 other Charities, of a Wheelchair Power Pack to assist an elderly person caring for her disabled son 83
 Payment of Fees for a Family, with a young child, to attend "Relate" sessions  258
 Donation to the Lions Multiple District Disaster Fund for assistance re the recent Floods  500
 Purchase of 600 Message In a Bottle - to be distributed free of charge - see web page  150
 January 2014
Horse Riding Lessons for middle aged man, with Learning Difficulties 150
2013 Community Service Donations  
To view Donations made in 2013, please click on 2013 Donations